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Community Volunteer Network

Non-Stop Chesed








Chesed By the Numbers:

Chesed Opportunites:

Food Delivery

Help pickup and deliver food that is being distrubuted too hundreds of families in need.

Visting the Sick

Visit the sick and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes. 

Packing For Israel

Help our homeland in this time of need.

Meis Mitzvah Minyan 

Help contribute and ensure there will always be a minyan.

Chesed Event Helpers 

Help set up and volunteer for various chasadim happening throughout the community.

Assisting children with disabilities

Help children who need extra support.

Providing Rides

Provide rides to people in need. EX. Ride to a Doctor' Appointment.

Tutoring / Mentoring

Become a Big brother/sister to children in need.


Say Kaddish for someone who unfortunately does not have anyone to say it for them.

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